3 Ways To Build Or Improve Your Routines

Routines are a great way to reduce uncertainty and decision fatigue.

By building routines, you're able to have a path for the rest of your day. Think Google Maps for your day (without the specifics and ETA).

Unfortunately, building routines the wrong way can deter people from sticking to it but there are 3 things that might help you:

1: Consider Your Life At This Point

Routines are personal. You can't fit a square into a circle.

It's common to randomly decide "I will wake up at 5AM" when your work ends at 10PM and you can wind down by 11:30PM. For habits to stick, they have to be realistic.

To build a routine that sticks, keep it relative to your life at this point.

2: Work On One Thing At A Time

A routine is a series of habits and activities during the day in a planned manner.

That doesn't mean you add 5 habits at once. You still have a routine. You just want to improve it. The best way to do that is one habit at a time - baby steps!

3: Place Your Habits At Times They Work Best

Some people work out in the morning, some in the evening. What's the best? Everyone has their reasons.

Evenings never work for me so I stick to mornings. Building a reading habit? Experiment and see what works. Then stick to it.

3 Things to NOT do:

Keeping it rigid, Adding EVERYTHING into your routine, Not adding fun

If you fail at building your routine, it's not on you. Spending some time on why things don't work is also a key part of it. Try things, keep what works and eliminate what doesn't.


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