You Should Never Displace Your Foundational Habits - 3 Key Points

You can build many habits, but replacing the ones that define you might be the last thing you need.

We are exposed to a lot of information thanks to the internet. Our minds weren't meant to consume and process so much. We resort to the fear of missing out and add pressure on ourselves to try everything.

Sometimes all we need is a reminder. Here's mine to myself, but I thought I'd also share them with you.

Here are 3 things that can help

Step 1: Identify The Key Things In Your Life

Habits should be personalized, yet as humans we have similar problems.

Prioritizing mental and physical health, building relationships and not living a monotonous life are key to me. Ironically, a routine of good habits helps avoid mindless consumption.

“The mind is just like a muscle - the more you exercise it, the stronger it gets and the more it can expand.” ― Idowu Koyenikan

Step 2: Stick To / Work On Foundational Habits

Once you identify your priorities, it's essential to retain and develop habits towards them.

  • Practicing meditation or journaling for mental health.

  • Going for a run or hitting the gym for physical health.

I've never felt angry after a run nor have I regretted going to the gym. Do I regret spending time on my phone or gaming? Yes. Why? Those aren't the foundational habits you need.

Step 3: Build A Lifestyle Around Them

When life is good, complacency tends to set in.

There's a tendency to start skipping the habits that get us to our best selves.

"Oh I can skip reading today", or, "I can sleep in today" are common thoughts that sneak in. Honestly, I've never enjoyed those days. The guilt is real, except, of course when you're sick or sleep deprived.

To Summarize:

Focus on what's important, work towards it and don't stop. Ever.


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