3 Things I learned from writing 11 days in a row

I've been writing everyday in the month of January and today marks the 11th.

Why is this relevant? I've written more in 11 days than I have in 8 months. This shows that in different circumstances, a little planning and a dash of support you can do better.

So, what did I learn?

#1 All you have to do is show up :

Sometimes, showing up matters more than anything.

  • Walking 1km is better than hitting the snooze button

  • Writing 5 lines is better than not writing at all

  • Reading a page, learning a new concept and so on

I've never felt bad doing something opposed to nothing.
It's on days that you feel like doing nothing, you need these small wins the most.

#2 Some people care, some people don't 

A good deal of people are reading what I write.

That's more important than the ones who don't. There will always be people who care and that alone is a reason for doing the things you love.

Initially, it will be friends and family, but in the long run you'll attract a larger forum. Compound Interest.

#3 You never know what people love, so express yourself : 

I had two essays go viral. Both were a surprise.

If I kept them to myself, I would never know. When you share and express yourself, people react. These reactions are crucial in deepening your desire to continue doing the things you love.
If they don't love it, it's okay too, but, if you never try you'll never know

I hope that you too continue to see the brighter side of things.

We build too many walls and not enough bridges. - Isaac Newton


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