Rainar Angelo

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5 Reasons Everyone Should Write

I am a big believer that writing has the power to change your life.

I have been writing consistently for 5 months now, and since that time I have made friends who are on the same journey as me, had better clarity on my ideas and leveraged my writing skills at work. I believe everyone should write,

And I have 5 specific reasons why:

  • Reason #1: Structure Your Thoughts:
    Writing helps you confirm if you've understood your own thoughts.

  • Reason #2: Share Your Ideas:
    You're full of great ideas (you realise this when people read your content)

  • Reason #3: Reach the right people:
    'Intellectual Loneliness' is a thing. Writing helps you make friends with the same interests as you

  • Reason #4: Leverage Time:
    The internet helps you share anything without duplicating efforts

  • Reason #5: Thought Portfolio:
    You have all your ideas and thoughts in one place for you and others to revisit

If you've started writing, let me know—I'd love to connect with you (and answer any questions you have in getting started!).