How I Published More Than 11,111 words in 1 month, 1 week.

I joined a writing community called 'Ship30for30' to be a better writer.

Join a community to write? Why you ask? It's simple really. Learning in a community beats standing alone in the middle of nowhere and hoping someone gets you.

So, did it work? Let's have a look.

Starting a blog is easy. Motivation is high and the dopamine rush is real. However, it fades off eventually because:

  • Your reach is very limited

  • You find writing 'difficult'

  • You wonder WHAT to write about

  • Impostor Syndrome kicks in

Writing in a community helped me overcome ALL these problems. It took some effort but it was worth it. Here's how, step by step:

Step 1: Show Up Everyday - Even If It Sucks.

Showing up everyday is the most underrated skill a person can have.

Some days feel like sh*t while some days feel like they must never end. Like I always say, consistency is key. I was doing it for me, so I had to be true to myself.

It got easier over time (faster compounding) and I reached a stage where 30 minutes was all I needed to get most of my writing done.

Step 2: Build Connections - Be Yourself And Cheer Others On

Think of the people there as people you know in real life.


Read what others write, drop a comment, support, feedback anything πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ. People like attention. Give it to them 🧑

Step 3: Write About Anything - Perfectionism Can Wait. The Publish Button Can Not.

Procrastinating publishing because 'it's not perfect' is a big problem I faced. Took me 8 months to write 15 posts last year. Took me 15 days this year for the same.

I hit publish when I felt my posts more or less conveyed what I intended.

The mistakes reduce over time. People are kind too (especially when you are too). Write and share. Read what others write and share theirs too. It IS a community after all.

β€œThere is immense power when a group of people with similar interests gets together to work toward the same goals.” ― Idowu Koyenikan


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