Rainar Angelo

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How To Build A Genuine Network Of People

Building a good network of people be it personal or professional is a good thing.

It's not as complex as it seems, but it does require resetting your approach in a few ways.
I am personally against the idea of transactional networking where you establish connections ONLY if they have value. Here's what has helped me:

1. Get To Know People As You Meet Them

If you're meeting someone for the first time, make an effort to understand them. I'm referring to one on one conversations, not a group setting. If you're in a group setting, try understanding the people in that space.

There's just one thing to do:

To be interesting, be interested - Dale Carnegie

2. Establish Long Term Relationships

Not everyone you meet will end up relating with you. There's no point faking interest or appreciation. The people who you end up genuinely connecting with are the ones you don't want to ignore.

Once you identify such people (it's mostly mutual), take the extra step to keep in touch. If it's work, establish regular catch-ups. If it's personal drop a text or call them once in a while.

3. Be Selfless

Being selfless and helpful as you can, in your capacity is key. This isn't something you need to overthink.

How would you treat someone if they were good friends of yours? Do the same when building new relationships.

If you can help them, do it. If you can't, you can point them to your friends who can. That's the whole point of genuine relationships.

“Winning friends begins with friendliness.” ― Dale Carnegie