How to crush your ego as an individual and adapt to the needs of the masses

I started writing on in April 2021 but I made the mistake of thinking people care.

When you tell stories to friends and family, they'll listen. However, when you move outside your personal circle, people don't care unless you provide value.

  • They won't be regular readers if you're always telling personal stories

  • There needs to be a takeaway for them

That's when I realized I need to write for the reader, not for me.

Think from the reader's perspective: Why should I read this?

It's the same way you consume content. Would you spend time on something that adds no value? I certainly wouldn't.

Before you start, ask these questions:

1. Would I read/consume this?

2. Why should I read/consume this over the more established names?

Create your content after you've successfully understood these questions. If you don't you're

  1. Wasting your time and that of the reader

  2. Losing an audience before it exists

This mindset isn't limited to writing/ content but also any solution you're coming up with. UNDERSTAND YOUR AUDIENCE

Taking this into consideration, here are three actionable steps you can apply

#1. Crush your ego

Go from I to you/we. When the consumer is the center of attention, you save time and effort from convincing them to consume.

#2. Deliver maximum value

Reduce the fluff, provide as many actionable points as possible!

#3. Treat mistakes as a gift. Most people don't have an agenda.

Most people provide feedback because your product/ content didn't work for them. That's all there is to it.

They don't hate you and they're going to forget you the moment they leave that page. Capitalize on the comment so you can be better next time around.

“Instead of avoiding criticisms, make criticisms work for you.”
― Aniekee Tochukwu Ezekiel


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