Rainar Angelo

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Where Am I Going ? - An Update

Before we go any further, I’d like to thank each and every one of you who reached out to me since I began rainarangelo.com .

I started off writing about my thoughts, my ideas and experiences on a bi-weekly basis and you've been very supportive.

What Were My Intentions?

I just wanted to write and maintain my thoughts on the internet (but owned by me completely). I got what I wanted, but I wasn’t doing much outside my personal circle. I realized my intentions were nice, but not practical.

Massive Change In 2022

2022 has been a massive here in terms of online presence.

I’m closing on 100 Atomic Essays (crossed 100 articles since the site launched) and my Twitter is closing 600 followers. By doing this, I’ve realised the power of the internet:

  • I’ve learned to write under 30 minutes

  • I’ve had calls with people from different parts of the world - Hong Kong, Australia, Sweden and so on (it’s a big list)

  • I finally get what serendipity means
    David Perell has a great essay on this (read here)

What’s In Store For The Rest Of The Year?

It’s hard to predict the entire year because life happens. For the bits that I’ve planned, here’s what’s in store, and as a follower, supporter and friend, you should know this:

  • I plan to start a podcast - it’ll be experimental; permanent if I enjoy the process

  • Continue my Twitter growth - make more friends, earn my first dollar

  • An e-book is potentially in the works

  • Earn my first dollar from the internet 😄

  • Write bigger essays (and threads on Twitter) - I plan on embedding threads of value here so that I can maintain that without Twitter’s massive trove of information

Honestly the list can go on but these are as far as I’m willing to write down (because it’s already a big list)

Thank You

For everyone who has been kind enough to support me, even through a simple DM, thank you!

Your words keep pushing me. The power of the internet is real.

If you need help from me in anyway to write, learn, or share online, I’m happy to help :).