You're Blind! 3 Ways To Leverage The Internet

The internet has made access to knowledge and people simple.

By leveraging the internet, people have started their own businesses and reached people across the world. Unfortunately, a lot of us just consume content mindlessly. We neither put things to practice, nor pick the cues that are staring us in the face.

We can start by taking action. Here are 3 ways to do so:

Step 1: Consume Content With An Intention.

If you're spending time consuming content, you might as well consume what you care about.

Consume content you like, that has people you admire or adds value to your personal or professional life.

Ask yourself 'Why am I consuming this content?'

Step 2: Take Notes! Lots Of It.📝

The brain isn't meant to remember everything it consumes. That's where note-taking comes in handy.

  • If something resonates with you, write it down.

  • If an idea pops up, write it down.

  • If you want to research further on what you're listening/ reading, write it down!

Step 3: Put Things To Practice.

Now that you're mindful about your ideas and notes, start by putting them into practice.

If you're a student, apply those tips in academia.

If you're a professional, apply them where it deems fit.

Your knowledge is only as good as your application of it.


Rome Wasn't Built In A Day, Neither Were Great Careers - 3 Things That Work


Admit that you don't know things - and then learn them