Follow Your Heart - and Announcement

The average life span of a human is 4000 weeks. Apparently.

Let’s assume that it’s scientifically accurate because I’m too lazy to fact check, and it’s (accuracy) not really necessary for what I’m about to say.

There’s a big list of things we want to do. Or so we tell ourselves. The truth is, we keep feeding our lives with this hope that we’ll do the things we want to someday. Unfortunately, time isn’t an infinite resource. ‘Someday’ isn’t in our hands as much as we’d like to believe otherwise.

There’s a list of things I’ve been putting off. The reasons (read excuses) are a plenty but in all honesty it’s just a case of procrastination and analysis paralysis.

Most of us know what we like doing, what we enjoy pursuing and what we’re genuinely capable of achieving. We use our jobs as an excuse, our finances as a constraint and literally anything else that will get us out of the act of simply beginning. So where does one begin?

Say no to the right things:

We’re bad at saying no to people but we’re extremely good at saying no to ourselves. The hesitance in starting something new, pursuing a hobby, working on that online business are constantly fueled with self doubt and lack of confidence.

You could end up being the greatest of all time, in whatever it is that you choose to pursue but before you start, and even after you do, you’re going to be irrelevant for a fair bit of time. While the spotlight effect will cause you believe otherwise, the truth is no one cares. Everyone’s busy caring about themselves. That’s a good thing because you can make mistakes and learn in the process.

So start saying yes to yourself and be a little selfish. Say no to people if putting yourself is the benefit of doing so. People will move on. A few years hours in, you’ll thank yourself and they’ll forget they even asked you a thing.

Follow Your Heart:

One of the most common regrets of the Dying:

I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.

I’ll be miffed if I spend my dying hours with this regret. A colleague recently told me:

“Follow your heart. Keep your curiosity alive and never give up” - Shashidar Hegde

Call it cliched, but it’s true. Sometimes we forget the simple truths but there are people kind enough to remind us of the same. So what’s the hack to get started? There is no hack. Just start.

Start working on that side project you’ve always dreamt of.
Start working on that sport you’ve always wanted to learn.
Start working on that podcast you’ve wanted to record.
Start learning that instrument you’ve wanted to play.
Start. ▶


It would be hypocritical after all that talk to not act upon it. I’m launching a curated newsletter next month. i.e. content handpicked by me, written by professionals, friends and acquaintances. We’re surrounded by really talented people. While the famous individuals get their reach, it’s only fair that the ones doing good work deserve it too. My newsletter intends to do the same.
Those on my subscriber list will continue to receive them, and if you’re not already, then hit subscribe below
👇(check your inbox for a confirmation). It would mean a lot.


What do I (you) desire?


26 Lessons from life